Top midsize workplaces earn special awards

Credit: Staff

Credit: Staff

In addition to the overall awards, the AJC presented special recognitions based on standout scores for employees’ anonymous responses to specific survey statements.


Matt McConnell, CEO, Intradiem

Survey statement: I have confidence in the leader of this company.

Employee comments: “Absolutely committed to Intradiem’s people and to the expressed core values of the business. He clearly thinks about the future and how to strengthen Intradiem for the future.”

Other top leaders: Pat Flood, president of Supreme Lending Southeast Region; John Armstrong, founder & CEO, Reibus International; Sean C. Taylor, CEO, Smith+Howard; Lin Hodges, CEO of Associated Credit Union.


Supreme Lending Southeast Region

Survey statement: I believe this company is going in the right direction.

Employee comments: “Supreme has adjusted well to the difficult market conditions. This shows how adaptable the company is.”


Campbell & Brannon

Survey statement: At this company, we do things efficiently and well.

Employee comments: “Hold people accountable. I also really like how they have someone double checking to make sure everything has been marked and completed.”


Patterson & Dewar Engineers Inc.

Survey statement: My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry.

Employee comments: “Medical/dental benefits are amazing.”